You Are My Beautiful Angel Poem

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You are my beautiful angel poem. You have not danced so badly my dear Trying to hold hands with the Beautiful One. I have seen how angels look like because I have you beside me. No fate for you are my fate my sweet I want.
Published at the webs largest poetry site. When you gaze at me with them. Angels are always memorable because they never forget what really matters.
An angels love is weightless. Shes absolutely positively no doubt about it my angel from above. You are my precious and rare gem.
I am so much thankful for everything you do for me. - Poem u have written with full. And whatever a sun will always sing is you.
A beautiful Angel from above. Or if she falls and is in pain. I just wanted to let.
The aura of your beauty does not have rival because you are especially beautified by the most beautiful God. I looked to you. My arms long to hold you and pull you so tight.